Euston Area Plan Response to HS2 revised Euston station designs
Comments Off on Euston Area Plan Response to HS2 revised Euston station designsHS2 have now published their new approach to station design at Euston ( HS2 press release) which involves the reuse of the existing station and development of an adjoining HS2 station to the west. The Euston Area Plan (EAP) team were briefed by HS2 in confidence at the end of February on the rapidly emerging changes to station design and tasked by the EAP Strategic Board to work with HS2 designers to find ways to improve emerging designs to better meet draft EAP objectives consulted on last winter. This work culminated in the production of an evaluation report which highlights significant issues with the new emerging HS2 station design, particularly the potential reduction in homes and jobs which could be provided and the lost opportunity to properly address some of the existing long term problems at Euston. A letter and report were sent to the Secretary of State for Transport on 22 March setting out these concerns from the Leader of Camden Council, Cllr Hayward and the Deputy Mayor of London, Sir Edward Lister as members of the EAP Strategic Board.
The letter and summary of the confidential report and response are available below:
Letter to SoS from EAP 22 March 2013
Summary Report to SoS from EAP 22 March 2013
Minister response letter April 2013
The EAP team are still working on the production of a draft plan which we hope to consult on this summer. The plan aims to further shape the emerging HS2 plans to better meet the objectives and priorities identified in the initial EAP consultation and also the background research results.
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