Euston Area Plan


Initial consultation starts 5th November 2012

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An interactive plan and the draft objectives will be available on this website from Monday 5 November until 14 December. We want your views on the initial objectives developed and the uses you think would be suitable if Euston Station is redeveloped by Hs2 or as part of the redevelopment of the station on its existing footprint. Please visit the website during this period to have your say.

It is important that we plan ahead, so that if HS2 does go ahead, despite Camden Council’s strong objections, we are able to get the best possible future for residents, businesses and visitors to the area. The work on this plan will help us to ensure we take into account your priorities and concerns as much as possible.

Details of drop events planned for the Euston area in the next few weeks can be found under the “Get involved” page of this website.

Additional information: Camden Council’s cabinet authorised public consultation on initial objectives developed for the Euston area plan at the meeting on 24 October. The cabinet report can be accessed here. 

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